White Wolf Snowmobile Club
Trail Safety
The mandate of the WWSC is to provide trails that are safe, comfortable and enjoyable. While the Club looks after the comfort aspects, safety is your responsibility. Foolish acts, careless moments, one drink too many or Murphy's law will eventually result in a damaged machine, bruised muscles or serious injury to you and unfortunately, others. So drive safe and enjoy the trails.
We know rules are no fun, but neither are repair bills, band aids, splints or caskets.
Towing Sleighs
Some concerns have been pointed out to Club members regarding towing sleighs. Please make sure that your sleigh has some sort of skagg or runner that prevents the sleigh from swinging, particularly when taking turns. Also, please make sure that there are reflectors on your sleigh.
As a Rider, you:
As a Safe Rider, you:

Know your abilities and do not exceed them
Know your machine's capabilities and don't push them
Know your riding area. Get a map, talk to locals
Learn more - read manuals & materials from manufacturers, and snowmobile associations, or watch videos from these sources.
Keep your machine in top shape

You have two good guides available for snowmobile maintenance: the owner's manual and your dealer. Consult both to make sure your machine is kept in top form for dependable, enjoyable fun.
Your local club or association may also conduct safety and maintenance programs.
Before each ride, follow the "pre-op" check outlined in your owner's manual.

Follow the rules

Ensure your snowmobile is properly registered and insured
Check local bylaws before heading out
Keep right on the trails and use your hand signals
Trespassing on private property is disrespectful. Ensure you ask permission and drive with respect while on private property
Safe Crossing

Be careful when crossing roads of any kind. Come to a complete stop and make absolutely sure no traffic is approaching from any direction and cross the road at a right angle to traffic.

Dress Appropriately

Wear layers of clothing so you can add or remove a layer or two to match changing conditions. A windproof outer layer is especially important, as are warm gloves or mitts, boots and a helmet.
Make sure your helmet is safety-certified, the right size and in good condition. A visor is essential to clear vision and wind protection, and the chinstrap should be snug.
Wear glasses or goggles that offer protection from the sun.

Think Ahead

Remember it is you, the rider, that makes snowmobiling safe. Many problems will be avoided by using common sense. Minor problems can be overcome by carrying a useful tool kit, spare parts, flashlight, first aid kit and a few survival items such as high-energy food, fire starting equipment and a compass.

Take it easy

Today's snowmobile is a mechanical marvel. It provides inspiring performance, reliability, and pleasing aesthetics, combined with essential safety design and components.
Safe Riders drive within the limits of their machine and their abilities.
Remember speed is not the measure of snowmobiling fun. You should always ride at a speed in which you can stop within your line of sight. Slow down and enjoy the scenery and the experience. Ease up on the throttle especially when near other machines, people, trees, animals and other objects.

Take a friend

Don't snowmobile alone. Not only is snowmobiling more fun with family and friends, it's safer too!

File a plan

Airplane pilots and boaters file flight and float plans respectively, so that others know where to look if they're overdue.
"Snow plans" describing your machine and your planned route can be time and life-saving. Leave one with your family or friends.
Like those who file travel plans, always let your family and friends know you're back or have arrived at your destination.

Take care of the trail

Safe Riders snowmobile to enjoy the outdoors, they treat it with respect, they wait for snow cover to protect vegetation, they avoid running over trees and shrubs, and they appreciate but don't distribute animals or other outdoor users.

Stay alert

Focusing on the tail light of the snowmobile ahead of you is the cause of many collisions. If your eyes are fixed on the tail light, you're not likely to notice the slight turn the machine ahead makes to avoid a collision or the object that was almost hit.
After snowmobiling for several hours your reaction time slows. Be aware that even though you may not feel tired, the motion, wind and vibration of the machine may begin to dull your senses.

Beware of darkness

Low light and darkness require special care. Slow down and watch out for others. Overcast days require extra caution.
Don't overdrive your headlights. Ask yourself, "Am I driving slow enough to see an object in time to avoid a collision?"
At night on lakes and large open fields, estimating distances and direction of travel may become difficult. It is important to keep some point of reference when riding at night.

Beware of Water

The safest snowmobiling rule is never to cross lakes or rivers. Besides the danger of plunging through the ice, you have less traction for starting, turning and stopping on ice than on snow.
Collisions on lakes account for a significant number of safety-related incidents. Don't hold the attitude that lakes are flat, wide-open areas, free of obstructions.
Remember, if you can ride and turn in any direction without boundaries, so can other riders. The threat of a collision, then, can come from any direction.
If you do snowmobile on the ice, make absolutely sure the ice is safely frozen. Don't trust the judgment of other snowmobilers. You are responsible for your own safe snowmobiling. Drowning is a leading cause of snowmobile fatalities - consider buying a buoyant snowmobile suit.
If you go through the ice, remember that your snowmobile suit (even a non-buoyant one) and helmet may keep you afloat for several minutes. Slide back onto the ice, using anything sharp to dig in for better pull. Kick your feet to propel you onto the ice, like a seal.
If the ice keeps breaking, continue moving toward shore or the direction from which you came. Don't remove your gloves or mitts.
Once on the ice, roll away from the hole. Don't stand until well away from the hole.

Mountain Measures

Even if you don't live near the mountains you may visit them some day. Mountain snowmobiling is spectacular but can pose extra dangers, such as avalanches.
Be cautious of avalanche dangers throughout mountain country. Riding in these areas should only be done after receiving proper mountain riding training. Mountain snowmobilers should carry and receive training on the use of avalanche beacons, shovels, probe poles for locating people buried in snow and a portable radio to summon help.

Carry Through

You've parked your sled for the day, but don't rest your Safe Rider sense. If your after-snowmobile activities include alcohol make sure you have a designated driver. This will keep everyone alive and ready to ride another day.
Equipment Checklist
Safety equipment is dependent on where and how long the ride will be. However, the following basic tools should be carried in the snowmobile at all times:

One or two screw drivers and vice grips
Orange garbage bags
Adjustable wrench
Black electrical tape
Starter cord
Spark plug
Spare belt

Always be prepared for an emergency. A good question to ask is "Can I get back safely with the equipment I'm taking?" The following items are good to take.

Extra key
Pocket knife
Map, reliable compass or GPS
Dry fruit, peanuts, raisins, etc.
Space blanket
First Aid Kit
50 feet of 1/4" nylon rope
Waterproof matches
Emergency shelter
Sun block cream
Cell phone
Ice Safety
If you do cross ice remember "No ice is without some risk, and be sure to measure clear hard ice in several places.

Recommended minimum ice thicknesses are as follows:

3" (7 cm) or less - STAY OFF!
4" (10 cm) - ice fishing, walking, cross country skiing
5" (12 cm) - one vehicle - snowmobile or ATV
8-12" (20-30 cm) - one vehicle - car or small pick-up
12-15" (30-38 cm) - one vehicle - medium truck
It is critical that the ice quality or type of ice is evaluated before you travel. Clear hard, new ice is the only kind of ice recommended for travel. AVOID:

slushy ice
ice on or near moving water i.e., rivers, currents
ice that has thawed and refrozen
layered or rotten ice caused by sudden temperature changes.
Other factors that weaken or "rot" ice:

snow on ice that acts as a blanket to prevent hardening of ice
pressure ridges due to wind or current pressure.
What to do if you go through...
Going through the ice is a scary experience, being prepared may be the only chance you have. Some things that may help you become prepared are:

wear a buoyant snowmobile suit
carry ice screws (hand-held "spikes") that can help you get a grip on the ice if you fall through
carry 10-20 ft. of rope
STAY SOBER, you will need all of your senses.
If You Fall Through

Chip away thin ice which surrounds you
Reach as far as possible onto the ice
Kick your feet vigorously until reaching a horizontal position
Using your arms, slide on to the ice
If SOMEONE Else Falls Through

If you are near, crawl or roll away from the area
Tell the person to keep calm
Use a reaching or throwing assist, ask them to kick vigorously
Pull the person from the water
Both you and the victim roll or crawl to safety
Care for hypothermia and other injuries if necessary
No Reaching or Throwing Assistance?

If you have no choice, you can extend an arm to help a person to safety. Be careful as it is possible for you to be pulled into the water as well. If there are others nearby you can form a "human chain" by lying on the ice and grabbing each others ankles. Make sure everyone has a good grip before reaching the victim. When the victim has been pulled to safety everyone should roll or crawl away from the broken ice.

Post-Rescue Concerns

Getting out of the water is not the only concern after falling through the ice. You could be left in the situation where you are far from home without a snowmobile to get back on. To minimize the emergency there are some guidelines you should follow:

Before you Travel

write down where you are going, the route you will take, when you should be home and leave it with someone
take all of the necessary survival equipment
dress appropriately
If you Go Through the Ice

DO NOT PANIC and care for injures first
Do not try to travel great distances, conserve energy. It will help keep you warm.
Stay near planned route.
Do not try to travel great distances at night in unfamiliar territory or in stormy weather.
Find or make shelter
Collect firewood and light fire for warmth
Hydro Line Safety
Always keep safety in mind when using your snowmobile or ATV. Stay away from snow banks near power lines and substations.
If travelling over a power line right-of-way, be especially cautious of guy wires and poles that may not be as noticeable during winter conditions.
Avoid water reservoirs around hydroelectric generating plants. They are not safe for recreational activities due to fluctuations in water levels below the ice.
Trail Etiquette
No Stopping in the middle of groomed trails, please move off to the side
Do not stop on turns or narrow portions of trail
Helmets and eye protection recommended
Keep Right on trail, especially on turns
Obey all signage including stop, yield etc
Speed limits should be consistent with trail conditions
Use proper hand signals as defined by the International Snowmobile Manufacturers Association
Do not steal or tamper with trail signage - it could cause an accident
Please be courteous to volunteers of local clubs who are out maintaining the trails. Remember - they're voluneers
Avoid traveling on unfamiliar frozen bodies of water
Never leave children unsupervised on snowmobiles
Keep your snowmobile properly maintained
Always be on the lookout for hidden fences, gates, wharves or wires
Purchase your trail stickers to fuel the groomers

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