White Wolf Snowmobile Club
Important notices and announcements from the Club.
Trail Update
Posted 21 December 2012, 6:51 pm NST
Friday Dec. 28, 2012:: We are presently having some issues regarding the highway crossing on the Wabush Highway and hope to have something nailed down on that soon. Work on the new crossing which was supposed to have been completed this fall was not completed and we have been told that it will not be completed for this season. A road crossing was approved by the Dept. of Transportation and Works who put up the appropriate signage etc. Unfortunately we have not been able to use that crossing due to the other work not being completed. We are continuing to work on this issue and will keep our members updated. In the meantime we urge ALL snowmobilers to use extreme caution when crossing the Wabush Highway.

Dec. 21, 2012:: Good news for our grooming season. We were out today checking ice on Wabush lake, Duley lake and the Walsh river crossing. We are happy to report that we found 16" of ice on our sections of trail. With these numbers it will only be a week or two and our groomers will be able to begin crossing the lakes. Also the groomer made a run into Loon lake and back today. We have also ran the groomer almost to border chalet. Not much snow yet though and the trail is pretty rough.

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