White Wolf Snowmobile Club
Important notices and announcements from the Club.
Posted 09 November 2011, 4:20 pm NST
Cain's Quest has a 2011 Arctic Cat CrossFire on tickets to help raise money for the upcoming 2012 Cain's Quest Snowmobile Endurance Race. Please pick up your ticket(s) at the clubhouse. They will also be available at the Labrador Mall at various times and dates as well as from several committee members. Call the cain's Quest office at 944-5011.
Posted 09 November 2011, 3:41 pm NST
To book the clubhouse for parties please call Michelene at the club office at 944-7401.
Posted 09 November 2011, 3:35 pm NST
Annual General Membership meeting and elections will take place on Wednesday, Noivember 16th starting at 8:00PM at the clubhouse.

Elections will be for President, Vice president and two Directors.

Please attend
Posted 09 November 2011, 3:33 pm NST
Our club has gone through a few changes over the past year and we are confident that we will have a great season. The sitting executive has been very busy making sure this season is a success. Most of our trail issues related to new construction in and around the towns have been dealt with and we should have excellent trails again this year. WE ARE IN GOOD SHAPE!

Memberships should be on sale soon.

The present executive is as follows.

Cal Saunders- PRESIDENT (Acting)
Rick Wheaton (Interim)-DIRECTOR (2 YEAR)
Posted 09 November 2011, 3:32 pm NST
Just a note to all our members that we are presently gearing up for the upcoming snowmobiling season and all systems are GO! Despite unfounded rumors. Our machines are being serviced and will soon be ready to go. Trail reroutes in the areas of the trailer court, the new underpass and the new hospital and college should all be complete in time for our first grooming. There may also be a small rerouting in the area of Leg Lake which will also be ready in time. We are looking forward to a great season. There will be an AGM on November 16th at 8pm.
Posted 07 November 2011, 2:49 pm NST
Come join us for an exciting night as we premiere the DVD from last years race!! Saturday November 12th here at the White WOlf Snowmobile Club! Showtime starts at 8pm. Advance tickets $5...Limited seating available...Pick up your tickets here at the club. BEER SPECIALS!! PRIZE DRAWS!! WINGS!!
Posted 10 February 2011, 3:14 pm NST
Over the last few days we've recieved a nice few posts on our guestbook page. Some positive, some negative. We would first like to say Thank-You to those of you who are members and defending the trails and the hard work that our Groomer Operators put in day in and day out.
This morning we were assured by our groomer operators THAT ALL TRAILS HAVE BEEN GROOMED over the last two days.
I hope that those of you who are making the negative complaints about our trails are members, because those...
Posted 01 February 2011, 3:57 pm NST
Hello All,
I want to thank everyone who came out to the event last night, it was a great success. Here is the list of the people who won the prizes from the draw. For any of you who won a prize and were not in attendance you can pick up your prize here at the club Tuesday to Saturday 9:00am to 5:00pm.

Oral Burden - $40.00 Gas Card from Labrador Coatings
Louise Cull - $20.00 Gas Card from Rumbolt's Plumbing & Heating
Herbert Strickland - $20.00 Gas Card from Campbell's Construction
Eli Loder -...
Posted 26 November 2010, 12:46 pm NST
A special thanks goes out to Capital Crane for donating a VAC Truck and two workers for a few hours to help clean up from a pipe break in the basement.

It is because of businesses and people like this that White Wolf is the outstanding club that it is.

Once Again, Thank You Capital Crane & Stacy Mills!
Posted 15 October 2010, 3:27 pm NDT
Click on the link below to acuire the form needed to be filled out by our members, to have BRP donate $10 per form, to OUR Club.


Information Below has been taking straight from the BRP WebSite:

"BRP understands that the heart beat of the snowmobiling community is its volunteers. BRP was there at the beginning when the trail network was being built. After having given $720,000 to snowmobile clubs in 2009, BRP will...
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